LCU Accessibility Services for Students

Accessibility Services ensures that individuals with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations to access University programs, services, and activities equally. To obtain these accommodations at LCU, students must self-identify with Accessibility Services and participate in the interactive process.

What is the Interactive Process?

The interactive process involves Accessibility Services working closely with students with disabilities to identify appropriate accommodations. For this process to be effective, it requires active participation from both the student and Accessibility Services.

  1. Students are responsible for starting the process by reaching out to Accessibility Services and scheduling an appointment with the Accessibility Services Coordinator.
  2. In most instances, documentation of a disability is necessary. You can bring your documentation to the appointment with the Accessibility Services Coordinator or send it via email.
  3. In the meeting, the student and Accessibility Services Coordinator engage in a discussion regarding the student's disability, their accommodation requirements, the accommodations suggested by the Coordinator, and any supplementary accommodations needed. Towards the conclusion of the meeting, the student will receive details about the procedure for disseminating Letters of Accommodation.

Documentation of a Disability

Except for cases where an impairment is readily visible, documentation of the disabling condition is required. Request a form by visiting the Accessibility Services Office or email

Housing Accommodations

LCU is committed to providing reasonable housing accommodations for students with disabilities. These accommodations may involve modifying rooms, making adjustments, or providing access to a single room. If documentation demonstrates that a single room is necessary to meet a student's housing needs due to a disability, LCU will consider exceptions to its standard room rate structure, unless such exceptions would fundamentally alter the housing program. Each request is evaluated annually based on the documentation provided and the specific accommodations required. Priority is given to those who submit their requests for modified housing by the deadline of May 1st each year.

To request housing accommodations, a student must submit a completed Request for Accommodation form to the Accessibility Services Coordinator. Additionally, documentation supporting the need for accommodation must be provided. The Request for Accommodation form and documentation requirements can be obtained from the Accessibility Services Coordinator.

Emotional Support Animals (ESA’s)

Emotional support animals (ESAs) do not fall under the definition of service animals as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008. Consequently, they do not enjoy the same access privileges to campus facilities as service animals.

Approval from Accessibility Services is necessary for ESAs to reside in University Residence Halls. However, they are not permitted in other campus facilities such as classrooms, dining halls, libraries, and student centers.

Requests for ESAs mandate signed documentation from a medical professional or a credible third party who can verify the individual's disability. Online documentation from sources offering certificates or registrations for assistance animals, often in exchange for a fee and minimal questioning, is not considered sufficient proof of a non-observable disability or the need for an ESA.

The following details are required for ESA requests:

Documentation should be submitted to:
LCU Accessibility Services
5601 19th Street, Lubbock, TX 79407

Assistive Technology

Alternate/Electronic Text

EPUB stands for electronic publication, a file format identified by the ".epub" extension. To access and read EPUB files, you'll require an E-reader program. The most common epub reader is the Kindle App

Automatic Caption/Transcription

Closed captioning, transcriptions, and subtitles offer textual representations of spoken language in recordings, videos, or computer presentations. Initially developed to assist the hearing-impaired, these tools have become invaluable for various contexts and learners alike. Below, you'll find a selection of free AI-powered automatic captioning applications and programs, which can generate speech-to-text captions or transcriptions for live events, recorded presentations, and more.


CCTV displays and screen magnifiers serve to enhance accessibility for individuals with visual impairments, enabling them to effectively view print and digital text/images that might otherwise be difficult to discern on screen or in print.


Note-taking software and recording devices can aid in the note-taking process, enabling students to concentrate on the lecture and capture notes with greater efficiency.

Platform Accessibility Options

Both Apple and Windows computers come equipped with built-in Accessibility features, such as contrast settings, Text-to-Speech Narration, and Voice-to-Text Dictation.

Injuries & Illness

Academic Accommodations

Students may be eligible for academic accommodations, such as access to assistive technology and testing support. During their recovery period, students are encouraged to contact the Accessibility Services Coordinator to explore available assistance. The Accessibility Services Coordinator can be reached at 806.720.7156 or via email at


The extent to which the university can accommodate students for missed classes varies depending on the course's requirements. While some courses don't mandate attendance, others like labs and experiential classes enforce stringent policies. A universal "university excused absence" due to injury or illness isn't available. It's advisable for students to initiate a discussion with their faculty member regarding their circumstances first.

Serious Illness

Students should contact the Dean of Students Office 806.720.7502 for assistance with serious illnesses and conditions requiring surgery or hospitalization.